Done-for-you copywriting & strategy

Email marketing & sales funnel with custom brand messaging that aligns with your values, purpose, and beliefs.

Sale Funnel & Email Marketing For Small Businesses

Launch Your Minimal Viable Offer Sales Funnel With...

A copywriter and strategy can improve your marketing results, processes, systems and customer experience.

Better Brand Messaging. Strong Community Engagement. Brand Longevity. Alignment With Your Brand Mission.

Demystify your data and research with reports to give you a clear story and direction that aligns with your goals and values.

Need help getting predictable results and start feeling in control?

Ready to have copywriting that can authentically represent your values and beliefs?

Get more leads with less effort with a marketable validated product approach.

Increase your customer lifetime value with higher retention and customer satisfaction.

Implement a personalised process and strategy to overcome your unique problems to achieve new milestones faster. 

You Might Be Experiencing These Problems...

Lack the time to create new processes, automate processes or hire and train new people to support your team?

Struggle to retain consistent revenue?

You're still trading your time for money?

You can't reach or maintain your ideal lifestyle?

You're putting out fires without anyone to allocate new responsibilities to?

You don't have the time or energy to audit and innovate your current business practices stopping your growth?

Hiring the wrong person is an expensive mistake and only gives you more work. 

Consistent reports, self-evaluating feedback and weekly updates are included in our communication. Adjustable to client's needs. This will track the progress of our work together without any of your time, stress or effort.

How this can help achieve your goals...

  • A Dedicated Copywriter who Improves Your Business Through Testing And Tracking Results.
  • Present Yourself And Your Brand Authentically, Ethically, And Consistently
  • Improve - Sales, Lead Generation, Conversion Rates, Value Positioning, And Your Brand Signature Offer
  • Gain The Freedom That Comes From A Consistent And Sustainable Business. To Focus On Your Real Purpose - What You Love Creating

Effectively establishing funnels, email marketing, systems, and processes is important to help make success repeatable, more enjoyable and simple.

Your strategy is the plan devised by addressing your intentions, your why and how (your delivery or unique brand mechanism.

To create an effective strategy. We need clarity around your intentions, values and restraints.

Copywriting is a part of nearly every marketing problem. Your messaging and brand story needs to feel authentic to you, for more genuine connections and engagement.  

How Tracking Results Helps You...

It Helps To Find Innovative Ways To Improve Your Current Business strategy

With access to your software metrics, I'll be able to make better fact-supported incremental changes. To improve your results over time.

Fact-based marketing means making decisions based on data and results not assumptions or shiny object syndrome.

Able to remove assumptions, and confusion. And, add clarity and support when scaling your business. In a way that aligns with your ideal vision, with your strategically developed plan.

The Support You Can Gain

  • You want to see results fast and get a good return on investment
  • You want a sustainable, flexible, business with systems & processes ready for you to scale
  • Have the clarity that gives you an accurate targets and goals
  • Have the time for deep thinking, fun and new experiences
  • You want to be more intentional with your time to focus on higher-value actions. 

Not utilising your gifts and skills optimally therefore need to change your current processes? 

Stressed about not seeing results fast enough? Maybe we need change how we track progress or evaluate decisions.

Have no desire to write about your business and instead focus on your purpose?

That’s were I can come in. I’ve come to realise what holds most people back from a successful business is lack of hyper focus or direction. Leading to poor results in multiple areas.

Projects aligned with your business goals and objectives. Starting price: $200

What’s Unique About Working With Us?

Being a small business allows for a lot of flexibility. Letting me create more impact and provide more services.

Strategy as part of this process will make sure your intentions align with the plan. Creating focus, Intentional progress, and direction for your business goals. Able to remove obstacles along the way.

  • Perfect For People Who Need More Stability, Increased Focus and Effective Decision Making.

The scope of work discussed is based on your budget and needs. What kind of things your business might need?

A/B Testing, Marketing Audits, Brand Guides, Strategy, Optimise SEO, Deal Acquisition and Maintaining a High-Quality Email List.

Gain A Competative Advantage

Copywriters are able to consolidate and organise your ideas, offers, data and emotional impact packaged in a clear way. To understand your business and customer’s problems enough to find new angles to resolve them.

Turning ideas into something that makes them valuable.
Even if you don’t have the time to be apart of this process personally. Creating something tangible, new and exciting can be it’s own reward.

Marketing (and copywriting) is simple if you only think about how you can best serve your customers and audience.

This empathetic approach allows me to holistically and thoroughly understand the needs and motivations of the audience. (Much like Seth Godin's approach)

Much like ‘win without pitching’ this approach attracts the right people to you and repels the rest.

Quality Guarantee

Results are unpredictable. But, everyone can have processes in place for higher chances of success.

A level of quality through sticking to a multi-step process. Tracking results and providing an updated report. To keep accountability, help identify any potential problems and make any needed adjustments. 

Having copywriter mentors who have earned millions for their clients. And, working professional copywriter editors. Helped me to develop this writing and strategy process to help clients reach their specific goals and desired outcomes.

Tracking milestone goals. Helps to create a higher chance of future success, fewer problems, and a more stable and predictable growth direction.

✅ Copywriting & Marketing Courses Taken:

Write Your Way To Freedom by Sarah Turner

Copy Squad Bundle by Kyle Milligan

Write and Ignite Challenge by Alex Cattoni


Developing Your Dream Funnel

A funnel provides you with recurring revenue that you could be profiting from for years. After all the upfront work and effort being done. 

Your dream funnel contains...

- Product market fit with a validated product

- Consistent and effective messaging and copywriting. So that your email marketing and sales page work great together.

- Unique selling point and/or unique mechanism. You're not competing against giants in your industry based on their strengths, instead, you're creating your place in the market.

Crafting Your Dream Email Marketing

Automatic emails give you the control to create an email environment that best reflects how you want your audience to feel and what your brand is about.

Are you capturing your audience’s email and making the most of your connection with them? Or are you leaving them out in the cold?

This is a huge opportunity for you to increase your revenue. Marketing research shows that for every $1 you spend on email marketing, you get $36 back.

It’s the highest ROI you can get but the best part is you have some ownership over your audience. Giving you more freedom and stability.

But, let's face it current strategies may not work in the next 6 months that's how quickly the market is changing. Therefore it's best to have someone who can keep up-to-date on best practices. This is to save money wasted on strategies that won't work.

You don’t know how long social media will be around. This gives businesses heavily reliant on social media for their income a high risk. Unnecessary Risk. You want complete control over your business, why would you give that control away?

This helps establish a stronger IP for your brand and maintain your brand assets and a close relationship with your audience. To reduce business risks and the potential for profit losses.

Having your audience, accessible without barriers, on one email list, will give your business more control, less risk, and less room for failure. Want help to scale and be more sustainable?

How Copywriting Can Give You Value?

One of the greatest advantages of having a copywriter is executing A/B testing. That leads to an evidence-supported marketing strategy with an understanding of your audience.

Brands can attract different avatar profiles with different wants and needs. Understanding your audience's needs can reduce customer churn and increase lifetime customer value.

  • Better clear messaging and delivery to make a bigger impact on your customer journey
  • Analyse your customer journey then address their needs and desires (make your audience feel seen, heard and understood)
  • Help your audience make correct buyer decisions (why pick you over your competition)
  • Increase sales, Increase return customers, lower your customer churn rate, and create a healthy scaling business
  • Define your unique place in the market through differentiation, positioning, personality, messaging and visual identity
  • Build brand trust and consistency through systems and processes that help you to give more to your audience without the stress and strain

Why Is Strategy Included In My Process?

Copywriting without strategy can't be aligned with a specific goal or desired outcome. Making it hard to justify this investment and assess its value. This is why strategy is so important and a part of my process.

The strategy ensures that deliverables are aligned with your goals. With trackable key performance indicators indicating a clear ROI making it a worthy investment. 

Strategy can also help define and develop your goals. The strategy will help define and narrow down what your needs are. How to best way to deliver them. Saving you time and money. Bringing you more clarity and focus.

The deliverables then can be decided based on impact, your budget, and your project needs.

What Will Our Communication Look Like?

An integrated workflow with Google Docs. Makes it easy to work with, store, navigate, and refer to your project overview.

Increasing productivity, and helping maintain open communication. The project overview includes editing instructions, schedules, well-formatted files and a copy of every document.

Having structure in a business is key for stability, predictability, easy new iterations and improvements. Which is why my simplified process is great for busy clients.

If you need to be hands-off for your project, updates for project progress can also be emailed to you every 2 weeks.

After onboarding and strategy. The next key step is my research process.

What's Included In A Project?

 All projects have deliverables, scope, budget and timeline.

Clients sometimes will want specialised skills to meet their needs. When that happens working with other writers could become necessary.

Finding, qualifying and negotiating with other skilled individuals on behalf of the client becomes necessary. Having connections with copywriter communities and professional editors becomes valuable to my clients. 

Implementing management and team communication skills is essential when working with new people. To remove friction, unclear communication and obstacles.

Successful projects between clients and copywriters are sometimes referred to as deal acquisitions. The fee for this process is usually 20% based on the project's value or a base fee.

Who Am I Looking To Work With?

You ask good questions, give good feedback, and understand this is a process (don’t expect immediate results). Able to communicate to make it easier to hit goals, make progress, and create valuable impact.

You're gaining traffic and attention in your business. But don't have an optimised funnel. You're not clear what your next best steps are and you don’t have the time or energy to get things done.

You need strong management, communication and ethical practices. You need a supporter and advocate in your corner to help your business grow and execute on tasks.

In the future, you need a great team and automate your process but don't have the time to allocate to achieve this. Maybe you’ve started to create a small team but need to compensate for more demand. 

You need more time to catch your breath and increase in profit to loosen up your budget. Sounds Like You? Submit an inquiry below!

Do You Offer Payment Plans? Discounts?

For our first test projects, my clients usually get discounted prices to make sure they are satisfied with the value, communication and project workflow provided when working together going forward. Discounts are given on a case-by-case basis usually reserved to celebrate special situations.

  • For projects over $3,000 payments are done 50% upfront and the other 50% after the first draft. 
  • For projects below $3,000, payment is required upfront, unless discussed otherwise.

If a client wants to pay a monthly retainer or wants a payment plan. This can be negotiated on a case-by-case basis. Given the right terms, this can be arranged.

For clients with a low budget - $2,000 as a yearly subscription. As a business owner myself, I know how unpredictable business can be.

This way you have access to a copywriter all year without spending more than you expect. You can take your time in utilising my services based on your current needs. The price of each project will be deducted from the budget after completion.

Ready To Grow Your Buiness?

Limited Spots Available

Written 30+ articles. Published on LinkedIn.

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Are you thinking, “I can endure it”?

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• None Content or developmental editing - the substance of the information & story
• None Copy editing - does the bulk of the editing and detail oriented
• None Page proof - make sure format etc ready to print

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🌟 How I'm unique as a copywriter? 🔥 Joined a high-quality coaching copywriting course that includes people who have made millions for their clients. 📨 I'm just one message away from them if we ever need help. 📑 I've developed a great interest in storytelling and writing which is why I'm currently writing a book. Which I plan to self-publish in the future. 🧠 This process has helped me gain a deeper understanding of how to tell a good story. Such as word choice that represents your intentions. All