About Me

Communication is the fundermental skill for copywriting and storytelling; to create and provide quality knowledge and wisdom. 

The requisite to change old thinking and ineffective behaviour to improve and empower communities.

The values that shape this business are...

  • Creativity
  • Growth
  • Wisdom
  • Integrity 


Writing & Marketing

Write Your Way To Freedom by Sarah Turner

Copy Squad Bundle by Kyle Milligan

Write and Ignite Challenge by Alex Cattons

Sharpened Visions: A Poetry Workshop by California Institute of the Arts

Business & Management
Google Project Management Certificate

Pro Advisor QuickBooks Certificate

Certificate IV Commerical Cookery

Software & Tools

  • Excel
  • Asana
  • ClickUp
  • Google Suits
  • Accounting Quick Books Online
  • Gmail
  • Notion
  • Canva