About Me

One of the main reasons why I’ve dedicated myself to develop copywriting and storytelling skills. Is to become an expert in communication even as an introvert. New to entrepreneurship, one of the many new skills learned to improve my growth and competence. 

Hard skills can always be trained but soft skills are harder to develop and can create a bigger impact on success. For example emotional intelligence has a higher indication on success than IQ. 

Understanding interpersonal cues, ability to listen, apply empathy, anticipate other people’s needs. It’s often overlooked in the work process but is essential for an improved experience to further a teams and customer/clients progress.

A passion for stories, tea, snacks, new experiences, art, and nature. I prefer hobbies that are peaceful and fun since work and my mind is usually chaotic, I like to introduce new ways to provide balance into my life.

My Values:

  • Creativity
  • Growth
  • Freedom
  • Empathy & Integrity